Breeze, Beth, Donna Day Lafferty, and Pamala Wiepking (Eds.). (2023). The Fundraising Reader. Routledge: London, U.K.
Hampton, D., Wiepking, P., Chapman, C., McHugh, L. H., Arnesen, D., Carrigan, C., Feit, G., Grönlund, H., Hrafnsdottir, S., Ivanova, N., Katz, H., Kim, S. J., Kristmundsson, Ó. H., Litofcenko, J., Mersianova, I., Neumayr, M., Pessi, A. B., Scaife, W., Sivesind, K. H., Vamstad, J., and Yang, Y. (online first). Philanthropy during COVID-19: Learnings and recommendations for philanthropic organizations navigating crisis. Online first in Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, e1814.
Garcia, Silvia, Cathie Carrigan and Pamala Wiepking. (online first). Global Civil Society Response to the COVID-19 Crisis. Online first in Voluntas.
Schröder, Joris, Eva-Maria Merz, Bianca Suanet, and Pamala Wiepking. (online first). The Social Contagion of Prosocial Behaviour: How Neighbourhood Blood Donations Influence Individual Donation Behavior. Online first at Health & Place.
Graf, Caroline, Bianca Suanet, Pamala Wiepking and Eva-Maria Merz. (online first). How public trust and healthcare quality relate to blood donation behavior: Cross-cultural evidence. Online first in Journal of Health Psychology.
Graf, Caroline, Bianca Suanet, Pamala Wiepking and Eva-Maria Merz. (2023). Social Norms Offer Explanation for Inconsistent Effects of Incentives on Prosocial Behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 211, 429-441.
van Leeuwen, M. H., Wiepking, P., & Looijesteijn, H. (online first). How Charitable Were the Elites of the Dutch Golden Age?. Online first in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Schröder, Joris, Eva-Maria Merz, Bianca Suanet, and Pamala Wiepking. (2023). Did you donate? Talking about donations predicts compliance with solicitations for donations. PLOS One: 18(2): e0281214.
Wiepking, Pamala, Chris Einolf and Yongzheng Yang. (2023). The Gendered Pathways of Giving and Volunteering: Similar or Different Across Countries? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 52(1), 5-28.
Ma, Ji, Islam Akef Ebeid, Arjen de Wit, Meiying Xu, Yongzheng Yang, Rene Bekkers, and Pamala Wiepking. (2021). Computational Social Science for Nonprofit Studies: Developing a Toolbox and Database for the Field. Online first in Voluntas.
Van Hunnik, Olivier, Arjen de Wit and Pamala Wiepking. (2021). (In)equality Through Unrestricted Grantmaking: Examining Trust and Power in the Collaboration between the Dutch Charity Lotteries and their Grantees. The Foundation Review 13(2): 38-51.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2021). The Societal Significance of Charity Lotteries. Inaugural lecture Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, March 19, 2021.
Wiepking, Pamala, Femida Handy, Sohyun Park, Michaela Neumayr, René Bekkers, Beth Breeze, Arjen de Wit, Chris Einolf, Zbignev Gricevic, Wendy Scaife, Steffen Bethmann, Oonagh B. Breen, Chulhee Kang, Hagai Katz, Irina Krasnopolskaya, Michael D. Layton, Irina Mersiyanova, Kuang-Ta Lo, Una Osili, Anne Birgitta Pessi, Karl-Henrik Sivesind, Naoto Yamauchi, Yongzheng Yang. (2021). Global philanthropy: Does institutional context matter for charitable giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 50(4): 697–728. Final author version. Online Appendices.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2021). The Global Study of Philanthropy. Voluntas 32(2): 94–203.
Yang, Yongzheng, and Pamala Wiepking. (2020). Party membership and charitable giving in China: The mediating role of human resources, social networks and making compulsory donations. Online first in Voluntary Sector Review.
Wiepking, Pamala and Arjen de Wit. (2020). Unrestricted impact: Field note on a mixed-method project studying the effects of unrestricted funding on grantees’ organisational and project impact. International Review of Philanthropy and Social Investment, 1(1), 97-98.
Bekkers, R. and Wiepking, P. (2020). “Eight mechanisms that drive charitable giving.” Accepted for publication in Journal of Yunmeng (in Chinese).
Breeze, Beth, and Pamala Wiepking. (2020). A Different Driver? Exploring Employee Engagement in Corporate Philanthropy. Journal of Business Ethics 165: 453–467.
De Wit, Arjen, René Bekkers, and Pamala Wiepking. (2020). Crowding-out or crowding-in: the dynamics of different revenue streams. In: Inigo Garcia-Rodriguez and M. Elena Romero-Merino (Eds.) Financing Nonprofit Organizations. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
‘To Stem the Decline in Charity Supporters, Pay More Attention to Young Kids’, Chronicle of Philanthropy, December 3, 2019, with Sara Konrath and Beth Breeze.
Wiepking, Pamala, Pieter Burgman, Bren Meijer and Myke Timmermans. (2018). From research to practice: implementing academic research on donor motivation to help fundraisers improve relationships with donors. Mindwize Whitepaper: Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. Dutch version here.
De Wit, A., Neumayr, M., Handy, F., & Wiepking, P. (2018). Do Government Expenditures Shift Private Philanthropic Donations to Particular Fields of Welfare? Evidence from Cross-country Data. European Sociological Review 34(1): 6-21.
Wiepking, Pamala and Femida Handy (Eds.). (2015). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire, UK.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Femida Handy. (2015). Introduction. Pp. 3-8 in Wiepking, Pamala and Femida Handy (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. Palgrave MacMillan: Hampshire, UK.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Femida Handy. (2015). Explanations for Cross-National Differences in Philanthropy. Pp. 9-24 in Wiepking, Pamala and Femida Handy (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. Palgrave MacMillan: Hampshire, UK.
Wiepking, Pamala, and René Bekkers. (2015). Giving in the Netherlands: A Strong Welfare State with a Vibrant Nonprofit Sector. Pp. 211-229 in Wiepking, Pamala and Femida Handy (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. Palgrave MacMillan: Hampshire, UK.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Femida Handy. (2015). The Practice of Philanthropy: The Facilitating Factors from a Cross-National Perspective. Pp. 597-624 in Wiepking, Pamala and Femida Handy (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. Palgrave MacMillan: Hampshire, UK.
Wiepking, Pamala, René Bekkers and Una Osili. (2014). Examining the association of religious context with giving to non-profit organizations. European Sociological Review 30(5), 640-654.
Van Leeuwen, Marco H.D. en Pamala Wiepking. (2013). National Campaigns for Charitable Causes: A Literature Review. Symposium on national campaigns in the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42(2): 219-240, edited by Pamala Wiepking, Lucas Meijs and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen.
Wiepking, Pamala and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen. (2013). Picturing Generosity. Factors of success and failure of national campaigns in the Netherlands. Symposium on national campaigns in the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42(2): 262-284, edited by Pamala Wiepking, Lucas Meijs and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen.
Boonstoppel, Evelien en Pamala Wiepking. (2013). Geven als een sociaal dilemma. Motivationele, strategische en structurele verklaringen voor geefgedrag door vermogende Nederlanders. Pp. 131-158 in Vincent Buskens and Ineke Maas (Eds.) Mens & Maatschappij Boekeditie 2012. Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Russell James III. (2013). Why Are the Oldest Old Less Generous? An Explanation for the Unexpected Age-related Drop in Charitable Giving. Ageing & Society 33(3): 486-510.
Wiepking, Pamala and René Bekkers. (2012). Who Gives? A Literature Review of Predictors of Charitable Giving II – Gender, Marital Status, Income and Wealth. Voluntary Sector Review 3(2): 217-246.
Wiepking, Pamala, Wendy Scaife, and Katie McDonald. (2012). Motives and Barriers to Bequest Giving: The Willing and the ‘Unwilling’. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 11(1): 56-66.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Beth Breeze. (2012). Feeling Poor, Acting Stingy: The Effect of Money Perception on Charitable Giving. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 17(1): 13-24.
Wiepking, Pamala, and René Bekkers. (2011). Testing Mechanisms for Philanthropic Behaviour. Special issue of International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 16(4).
Bekkers, René, and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). Testing Mechanisms for Philanthropic Behaviour. Introduction to special issue of International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 16(4): 291-297.
Bekkers, René, and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). Who Gives? A Literature Review of Predictors of Charitable Giving I – Religion, Education, Age and Socialization. Voluntary Sector Review 2(3): 337-365.
Bekkers, Rene and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). Accuracy of Self-reports on Donations to Charitable Organizations. Quality & Quantity 45 (6): 1369-1383.
Bekkers, René, and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). A literature review of empirical studies of philanthropy: Eight mechanisms that drive charitable giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 40(5): 924-973.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Merijn Heijnen. (2011). The Giving Standard: Conditional Cooperation in the Case of Charitable Giving. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 16(1): 13-22.
Boonstoppel, Evelien, and Pamala Wiepking. (2011). Geven door vermogende Nederlanders. Pp. 165-185 in Theo Schuyt & Barbara Gouwenberg (Eds.). Geven in Nederland 2011. Giften, Legaten, Sponsoring en Vrijwilligerswerk. Reed Business: Amsterdam.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2011). Vrijgevigheid in beeld: Nationale acties voor het goede doel in Nederland. Mens & Maatschappij 86(1): 88-110.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2010). Democrats support international relief and the upper class donates to art? How opportunity, incentives and confidence affect donations to different types of charitable organizations. Social Science Research 39: 1073-1087.
Wiepking, Pamala and René Bekkers. (2010). Does Who Decides Really Matter? Causes and Consequences of Personal Financial Management in the Case of Larger and Structural Charitable Donations. Voluntas 21(2): 240 – 263.
Wiepking, Pamala, Kym Madden, and Katie McDonald. (2010). Leaving a Legacy: Bequest Giving in Australia. Australasian Marketing Journal 18: 15-22.
Wiepking, Pamala and René Bekkers. (2009). Explaining Differences in Charitable Giving in Europe. Pp. 185-191 in Harry Ganzenboom en Marion Wittenberg (Eds.). Nederland in Vergelijkend Perspectief. Tweede Nederlandse workshop European Social Survey. DANS: Den Haag
Wiepking, Pamala (Ed.). (2009). The State of Giving Research in Europe. Household donations to Charitable Organizations in Twelve Countries. Pallas Publications (Amsterdam University Press): Amsterdam, the Netherlands. You can order the book at Amsterdam University Press. Book Review bij Leigh N. Hersey in Voluntas 22(1):195-196.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2009). The Netherlands. Pp. 47-51 in Pamala Wiepking. The State of Giving Research in Europe. Household donations to Charitable Organizations in Twelve Countries. Pallas Publications (Amsterdam University Press): Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Wiepking, Pamala and Ineke Maas. (2009). Resources That Make You Generous: Effects of Human, Financial, and Social Resources on Charitable Giving. Social Forces 86 (June): 1973-1996.
Bekkers, Rene, Pamala Wiepking en Evelien Boonstoppel. (2009). Geven door huishoudens en individuen. Pp. 27-50 in Theo Schuyt & Barbara Gouwenberg. Geven in Nederland 2009. Giften, Legaten, Sponsoring en Vrijwilligerswerk. Reed Business: Amsterdam.
Wiepking, Pamala and René Bekkers. (2009). Geven door jongeren. Pp. 153-160 in Theo Schuyt & Barbara Gouwenberg. Geven in Nederland 2009. Giften, Legaten, Sponsoring en Vrijwilligerswerk. Reed Business: Amsterdam.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2009). Aan welk doel zal ik geven? Donaties aan goede doelen in Nederland. Pp. 25-41 in Bronner et al. (red.) Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek. Jaarboek 2009 MarktOnderzoekAssociatie, 2009.
James III, Russell, and Pamala Wiepking. (2008). A Comparative Analysis of Educational Donors in the Netherlands. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 8(2).
Wiepking, Pamala. (2008). For the Love of Mankind. A Sociological Study on Charitable Giving. PhD Dissertation VU University Amsterdam, defended April 21, 2008.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2007). The Philanthropic Poor: In Search of Explanations for the Relative Generosity of Lower Income Households. Voluntas 18(4): 339-358.
Wiepking, Pamala. (2007). Een halve eeuw vrijgevigheid in beeld. Nationale acties voor het goede doel in Nederland. In Marco van Leeuwen en Vibeke Kingma (Eds.) Twee eeuwen filantropische voorbeelden.
Bekkers, René, and Pamala Wiepking. (2006). To give or not to give, that’s the question: How methodology is destiny in Dutch giving data. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35 (3): 533-540. View published (short) version or View long version.
Wiepking, Pamala, and Ineke Maas. (2005). Gender Differences in Poverty: A Crossnational Study. European Sociological Review 21(3): 187-200.
Wiepking, P., & Handy, F. (2016). Documentation Individual International Philanthropy Database (IIPD). A Comparative Study of Global Giving. 19 country IIPD. Version 1. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Please email me if you like more information on any of these papers.